7 reviews
Professional services
Container and super tanker pilots with perfect knowledge of the Channel sea
01/08/2024 - Dave
Order the best pilot Perfect !
02/09/2024 - Tim
Very good Captain
Jìnrù yīngjílì hǎixiá shì hěn kùnnán de. Wǒmen dìnggòule yī míng fēixíngyuán lái bāngzhù wǒmen dàodá lùtèdān. Chuánzhǎng hěn zhuānyè, duì hǎiyáng hé ōuzhōu gǎngkǒu yǒu quánmiàn de liǎojiě
24/05/2024 - Chang
Superior pilot
Betapa paniknya saat memasuki lautan Selat. banyak lalu lintas. Pilot berpengalaman ini meyakinkan kami dan akhir navigasinya sempurna dan cepat
06/03/2024 - Arik
Order the best Pilot
We received the services of Deep North Sea pilot and we are not disappointed. The captain was courteous, fast and precise in his navigation. His knowledge in the sea of the Channel is perfect
19/01/2024 - Justin
We recommend
Very good services and navigation in the Channel
09/04/2024 - Jack
Super Pilot
We are a huge container ship and we often needed the services of a pilot to navigate the channel seas. And the best choice is Deep North pilot without hesitation
06/07/2024 - Achmad